Higher consciousness objectively exists. It is one of the primary experiences of living.

  - Roberto Assagioli

What is Transpersonal Therapy?

The word Transpersonal means beyond the personality and refers to the creative and spiritual resources we possess and our experiences when we engage with them.

Transpersonal therapy has two parts: addressing the issues of what made you decide to enter a healing space and guiding you to reconnect with your authentic self. There is the potential for extraordinary transformation when you can shift your focus from your issues and beliefs to what you desire. This process has been described as an awakening experience or spiritual emergency. An example could be when you have lost your drive and interest in life, and you are unable to understand why. You may be successful in your career, financially stable and have a loving family, but something is missing, and you are feeling lost. Parts of this story are always present when you feel disconnected from yourself and decide to try transpersonal coaching.

The Consciousness Transformation Model below, mapped by the Institute of Noetic Sciences, shows the path from awakening experience to greater consciousness through the different stages of exploration, from finding a practice, living life as a practice, living deeply and finding your allies, to eventually bringing your practice and sharing with community.

Source: Institute of Noetic Sciences Consciousness Transformation Model (© 2011) by Cassandra Vieten, Tina Amorok, and Marilyn Schlitz,

A transpersonal therapist works with the unconscious processes that are at the root of real-life issues. Transpersonal therapist interacts with the different ways we experience ourselves and our lives, physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, connection, soul and shadow or subconscious. We explore the unconscious emotional triggers and patterning that cause your negative thoughts, and feelings, and lead to addictive behaviours. As we do this we create the resources you need to regulate your emotions and develop the vision and the courage to create the changes you desire.


A transpersonal therapist explores the past, present and future as a whole.  We do this by creating a safe collaborative container where the focus is on what you are feeling. This can be a new experience for you when you encounter yourself as different to the person you identify with. This is normal and a sign of internal changes as you process letting go of what is no longer congruent for you. There are several practices we can do together that will help you feel more embodied and settled. As you begin to connect to your authentic self you can begin to dream of a different life and what it will feel like for you.

A transpersonal therapist uses visualisations and meditations as tools for you to develop your awareness. I will encourage you to develop a meditation practice and develop a safety net of self-care for yourself. I use breathwork exercises as a tool to help you feel more embodied. These are the practices we work with in our sessions.

A transpersonal therapist is trained to work with transpersonal phenomena often overlooked by other therapists. I can help you to recognise and integrate experiences, memories and dreams which cannot be categorised or ordinarily explained. Integrating these experiences can be influential in bringing healing, resolution and long-term happiness for you. The spiritual and metaphysical perspectives we access through these experiences are integral to the transformative process. 

After our sessions together you will feel more grounded and aware of your emotions. You may feel more spacious, have more energy, and feel more empowered to get on with immediate issues in your life. I offer homework well-being suggestions to support the work in our sessions. Integrating well-being practices into your daily routine is the best way to nurture and sustain your progress.

As you follow your path and pursue your desires you will realise how much adopting a more transpersonal perspective has transformed aspects of your life. This is the beginning of you waking up to your true potential.

A transpersonal therapy session costs 110 euros or 300 euros for three sessions