
I am an artist with, BA, and MA in Fine Art Painting. I have been a healthcare professional for 15 years, working in advocacy and mentoring roles in different health and legal settings. I am a certified Transpersonal Coach, licensed by the International Association of Coaches, Therapists and Mentors. I receive professional coaching supervision from IACTM. I am also a certified Soul Integration™ Practitioner with the THEO group Inc, a professional member of the Tarot Association of the British Isles (TABI) and a member of the British Transpersonal Association (BTA).

I have been interested in esoteric ideas and consciousness since I was a teenager and struggling with big emotions is what began my quest for meaning, healing and learning to care for myself. I am interested in meditation, Buddhism, Spiritualism, tarot, and hermeticism amongst other things. Developing my own personal spirituality has been and still is an anchor in my life.

Occasionally I still have moments when I feel lost and experience anxiety. What I fondly describe as Woo Woo, I love Woo Woo, is something I attune to all of the time and not just when I’m feeling in crisis. I know having a holistic approach to mental health, consciousness and spirituality can deepen our experience of living.

I believe we are all much more than our physical bodies. We are divine creators and we are only limited by our beliefs and our potential is truly vast. We are at a fascinating time in the evolution of mental health care when people are beginning to realise what indigenous cultures have known for thousands of years. There are healing practices which can change our individual stories about our pain, no matter what or where it originated.

When we become more compassionate for ourselves all our relationships change and we can help one another and the whole community benefit. As we come into alignment with our authentic selves we can access our intuition and feel more connected and we can access information outside of conventional notions of time and space.

It has long been known people who are highly sensitive or identify as neurodivergent (as well as empathic, with huge feelings, good at finding what’s not working and being either too fast or too slow) have enhanced psychic abilities. I’m interested in supporting people to develop their faculties, if this is something you want to explore let me know.

I live in Dublin with my wife and my son and two cats.